Long Time Trump Advisor Claims the ‘Deep State’ Attempted to Assassinate Him

Politics is a nasty business, and we’re not just talking about wars of words. Attempts to smear the reputation of political opponents is commonplace, and numerous machinations are continually running perhaps just beneath the radar. Those are just hazards of the job. On the other hand, things can turn violent, as in the case of an attempted assassination.

One of Donald Trump’s associates claims that he was the victim of an attempt by the “Deep State” to kill him. The man is Roger Stone, a former advisor to Donald Trump, who claims that he is normally a very healthy person. Then something happened.

Stone went on to describe that his symptoms presented themselves first as a “routine stomach virus,” but that he eventually grew “exceedingly ill.”

“So I ultimately went to the doctors at Mt. Sinai hospital in Miami Beach, my own personal physician. They conducted extensive blood tests. Those blood tests were passed on to CDC.”

“The general consensus is that I was poisoned,” Stone says.

There’s no explanation as to why the US Centers for Disease Control were involved in this process, but the story goes on.

“I was poisoned with, they now say, a substance that may have been polonium or had the characteristics of polonium. This made me exceedingly ill. The conjecture of all the doctors was that I did not receive a large enough dose to kill me, but I have never been this ill.”

Polonium-210 is a radioactive substance that releases extremely harmful alpha particles throughout the body producing cancer-causing free radicals. It has been used in numerous high profile assassinations, including that of former KGB spy Alexander Litvinenko, and was suspected in the death of former PLO leader Yassar Arafat.

If he was actually poisoned, the question would then obviously turn to who might have done it. And why did he get only a does large enough to make him ill, but not large enough to kill him?

Stone continues:

“Who would want to do this to me? I am an enemy of the deep state. I think people know that I was an insider in American politics I was close to power in nine presidential elections.

“The Republican/Democrat Bush Clinton deep state has manufactured this Russia fraud. They have compounded it by pushing a clearly fabricated document.”

“Perhaps the fact that I’m effective on behalf of my beliefs has something to do with it,” Stone theorizes.

The key word here is “theorizes.”

This story raises at least as many questions as it attempts to answer:

Was Stone actually poisoned? And was it with the radioactive element polonium? Why is there doubt about the substance — wouldn’t there remain evidence of radioactivity in his system if that were the vehicle? With all the expert analysis of his blood that Stone says was ordered, why could these labs not definitely identify the substance?

One other problem here is that Stone states that a “Republican/Democrat Bush Clinton deep state” actually exists in that configuration. That there are shady alliances is difficult to doubt. But to buy Mr. Stone’s story, one would have believe that the Bushes and Clintons have together conspired to create some from of organization that seeks to assert power over the US government.

For Stone’s story to work, this organization must not only exist and desire his death, but also have the motivation and capacity to order the hit.

It must also be a somewhat incompetent organization in that it failed to knock him off allegedly due to the administration of too little radioactive poison to get the job done.

Seems like a stretch, but that’s what makes sorting through some of these conspiracy stories interesting.

Source: Infowars



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