Protests are happening nationwide with many shouting “hands up, don’t shoot.” The most violent protests took place in Ferguson, St. Louis and Oakland, CA.
Here are some live streams of what is happening now in Ferguson and St. Louis:
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Video of riots that occurred throughout the night:
Until Obama takes his foot off the governor’s and the National Guard’s throats. Time for “a well ordered militia” to take control and dare Obama to do anything about it.
Call in the National Guard
sad day for all but if they are going to destroy things and beat people strike back hard
Senseless, stupid, undesirable, hateful actions. White ppl didn’t riot when O.J. Simpson got off from murdering two people. I don’t get why black ppl have to act so damn ignorant!!!!!
If the Cops would get some Balls and start shooting them, they might end this C**p, nothing being done this will go on forever, Blacks Love Looting and Violence and Free Stuff !!
Ted I don’t know u but i agree.
let them riot, then put out notice, any and all looters will be shot, no exceptions
According to the grand jury info, the individual that started the spreading the hands up testimony, lied. They did not see anything. Also took no action to correct the situation but let his village burn. Prosecute!!!
Run them over