List of 20 GOP Members Who Voted “No” on House Healthcare Bill

As might be expected, a little more than half of those voting “no” were concentrated in four contiguous states: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Ohio.

The remaining dissenters came from across the United States.

Those voting against the American Health Care Act were:

Andy Biggs of Arizona; Mike Coffman of Colorado; Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida; Thomas Massie of Kentucky; Walter B. Jones of North Carolina; Frank LoBiondo, Christopher Smith, and Leonard Lance of New Jersey; Dan Donovan and John Katko of New York; Michael Turner and David Joyce of Ohio; Ryan Costello, Patrick Meehan, Brian Fitzpatrick, and Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania; Will Hurd of Texas; Barbara Comstock of Virginia; and Jaime Beutler and Dave Reichert of Washington.

An earlier attempt to pass the bill in March failed when members of the conservative Freedom Caucus balked at some provisions in the legislation and it was clear the bill could not get the votes needed to pass.  Revisions to the bill since then brought the Freedom Caucus members on board.

Passage was made possible yesterday by the direct involvement of President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence in personally appealing to individual members for their support.

The Rose Garden ceremony took on the air of a pep rally, with Trump being highly complimentary of House Speaker Paul Ryan and his leadership team for getting the AHCA over the finish line. Ryan in turn stressed the importance of the president’s involvement and willingness to meet with any House members to hear their concerns.

The Republican National Committee was in a celebratory mood as well:

Republicans have taken an important first step toward fixing our healthcare system. Obamacare is falling apart and has saddled the American people with rising costs, less choice, and skyrocketing premiums. The time to act is now, and that’s exactly what Republicans have done.”

Those Republicans not joining in the effort are mostly more moderate members from districts that might be highly contested in the 2018 mid-term election.

In terms of Senate action, a number of senators have been working on their own version of a health care bill, which may differ significantly from the House version. In order to pass the bill with only 51 votes, Senate leaders indicate they could use the budget-reconciliation process to avoid a Democrat filibuster.

At the White House yesterday, President Trump expressed optimism over the chances for passage in the Senate and claimed the House action shows Republican are uniting to move their agenda forward.

Source: The Daily Caller



  1. Gary Getman

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