Lindsay Lohan Reportedly Converting to Islam, Admits she Hasn’t Read the Koran

Linda Lohan is hardly the first person one would turn to for self-help — far from it — but that isn’t stopping the former actress from offering her assistance to the world. She claims that America doesn’t seem to understand the Koran, but apparently neither does she…

A year after Lindsay Lohan was first seen clutching a Koran, the Catholic-Born child star has admitted that she is “really open to learning” about Islam.

“I’m not done reading it. Do you know how long that would take? It takes so long,” Lohan said of her conversion to Islam in a recent interview. “America has portrayed holding a Koran in such a different way to what it actually is.”

Typical Lohan. Typical Hollywood. They heap piles of condescension on America while refusing to adhere to the values they preach. Maybe Lindsay Lohan will be more credible once she actually reads the book she’s touting — but it’s unlikely anyone will listen even then.

Source: Breitbart

Photo: Arynews



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