Liberal Lunacy: Suspects Should Choose Their Own Cop

Who would have thought that the answer to racism would be more racism? Considering the fact that three of the officers involved in the Freddie Gray incident are African-American, this all sounds a little counter-productive.

As long as there are conflicts between police officers and suspects which result in the use of force, and as long as some of these incidents involve people of different races, there are going to be problems. Particularly in the year since Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, it’s become clear that there are two camps in this debate who are talking past each other with no signs of an accord on the horizon. That’s a depressing reality in a nation which was supposed to be evolving toward a colorblind future, but it is what it is. So what’s to be done about it? Eugene S. Robinson has examined the problem and come up with an innovative solution. Let’s let suspects demand a cop of their own race!

Let’s pretend for a moment that there was some mythical, unlimited supply of police officers of every color in the rainbow who were ready to appear at a moment’s notice whenever a suspect requested one. Is that how we want to do business in terms of enforcing the laws of a civil society? That would be giving in to the stereotype and saying that humans are simply too flawed to be able to deal justice in an equitable fashion.

Also, in many communities of every size, there simply aren’t enough black and Latino cops to cover all of the calls.

There’s also the fact that, if this were to be implicated, there would be certain places where police officers of certain skin colors wouldn’t be able to work at all. Next they’ll be suggesting spending more money to pay off the national debt (wait, that’s already happening), handing out illegal drugs to stop people from buying them, and drinking more water to help areas affected by drought. The cause is admirable, but the logic is a little off.

Source: HotAir




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