“Letter of Demand” Sent to U.S. DOE to Cease Islamic Education Program for National Public Schools

“Letter of Demand” Sent to U.S. DOE to Cease Islamic Education Program for National Public Schools

In a story that we’ve covered repeatedly, we find that the U.S. public education institutions persist in their efforts to indoctrinate children with Islamic beliefs. Apparently the left has forgotten its rabid insistence that a “wall of separation” exists between religion and state. Or perhaps they have just redefined that to apply only to Christianity.

What you’ll see in the video on the next page are excerpts from a U.S. Department of Education program designed to indoctrinate public school students with Islam. It’s a disgusting display of the unconstitutional support of the Islamic faith using taxpayer money, and represents only the latest attempt to push a Muslim agenda in America, beginning with public school children.

You do NOT see this kind of ‘education’ being delivered for any other religion. It completely violates our Constitution. Move on to the next page:

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