Lesbian Bishop Ordained: ‘Jesus Said Absolutely Nothing About Homosexuality’

Lesbian Bishop Ordained: ‘Jesus Said Absolutely Nothing About Homosexuality’

The Michigan diocese of the Episcopal Church is celebrating the election of Reverend Bonnie a Perry, its first openly lesbian bishop, who won the votes of a majority of clergy and lay votes and was ordained its 11th bishop.

Supporters of Rev. Perry like to cite the fact that Jesus never addressed homosexuality directly. Jesus never addressed many things directly, yet that does not give us license to do things in His name that are obviously wrong.

A creeping infiltration, disguised as inclusion, is permeating the modern Christian community. Behind smiling faces and good intentions are political machinations designed to water down the fortitude of Christian belief.

In the next decade, a direction will be chosen by the Christian community and they will decide to embrace homosexuality or stand up for their own traditions.

In the following page we will detail this ongoing saga to hang a rainbow flag up on the Christian faith.

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  2. Chip
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  4. Doug Bristow

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