Latinos Rally for Trump at “Operation Taco Bowl”

Latinos Rally for Trump at “Operation Taco Bowl”

Don’t hold your breath waiting for the mainstream media to tell you, but Donald Trump is striking a chord with a key demographic that he supposedly doesn’t have any traction with.

The demographic, of course, is Hispanic Americans, the one that we have been told day in and day out that the Republican nominee has no chance with because of his plans to enforce the law and not allow people to illegally enter the country. Yet in spite of these repeated promises, groups like Latinos for Trump continue to organize on behalf of the candidate.

Based in Orange Country, the group held a rally, dubbed “Operation Taco Bowl” outside Anaheim City Hall in support of the Donald earlier today. Joining the Hispanic attendees were African-Americans who offered their own support for Trump, putting to bed the lie that he enjoys no support from minorities. As if this weren’t enough, not a single protestor showed up to disrupt the event, despite taking place in one of the most heavily-Hispanic counties in the state, if not the country.

Learn more about “Operation Taco Bowl” on the next page:

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