LA Times Opt-Ed: If Trump Wins, a Coup isn’t Impossible Here in the U.S.

LA Times Opt-Ed: If Trump Wins, a Coup isn’t Impossible Here in the U.S.

With the Republican National Convention wrapping up this week in Ohio, the liberal media and all of their activist friends have declared open season on conservative ideals and those who represent them. If you remember the election of Barack Obama as president of the United States, you’ll no doubt remember all of the early comparisons that some on the right made between Obama and Hitler.

While the left called those comparisons absurd, the president would later go on to make quite a few questionable decisions that made you wonder just how absurd it was.

Then there’s the irony of the statement.

The liberal media began to call out conservatives for “always” comparing left-wing leaders to Adolf. Now, however, the contradictions are clear. After Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination, journalists at the Los Angeles Times are now making the same comparison, even threatening the idea of a coup in America.

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