Krauthammer: ‘You can send Congress home’ if Obama Wins Upcoming Amnesty Case ‘There are no laws’

Conservative commentator and author, Charles Krauthammer has drawn ire from many lately with his harsh rhetoric on GOP frontrunner, Donald Trump.  Despite the difference of opinion many may have with Krauthammer regarding Trump, it is difficult to argue that Krauthammer does not have a firm grasp on the Supreme Court and our legal system.

This week on Special Report on Fox News Krauthammer had this to say:

“If the president is allow to do go ahead and to do this, and it’s decided that it’s constitutional, then you can send Congress home, and can you eliminate Article I from the Constitution, then there are no laws[…]”

To watch Krauthammer’s entire exchange with Bret Baier and the panel check out Breitbart’s link below.

Source: Breitbart




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