Hollywood may not be a stronghold of traditional, conservative values, but every now and then someone with a bit of common sense squeaks into the city of big names and even bigger liberalism.
This week, actress Kirstie Alley proved herself one of Hollywood’s conservative exceptions, as she praised Donald Trump for “waking America up” this election cycle.
Its a hard fact to deny… if you’re not blinded by the bounds of liberalism. Donald Trump is a sensation, love him or hate him. He’s got 100 percent name recognition and is bringing in those who have otherwise never participated, or never actively engaged in the electoral process.
Kirstie admits that 80 percent of her friends vote Democrat, which makes her ability to see the value in Trump even more surprising. In fact, considering the company she keeps, 80 percent seems somewhat low.
Maybe there are more secret conservatives in Hollywood than we think.
To see what Kirstie had to say about Trump, continue reading on the next page:
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I always like Kirsty Alley. I think her friends need to listen to her. So far the only people that don’t like trump are the ones that are going to be deported or lose money they should not be getting anyway. I’m tired of supporting worthless scum in this country. Go trump
Ronnie,I completely agree with your post.GO TRUMP!
People like u will put us in camps. Trump should be president.
They will just wait and see. But at least she has the balls to speak up
whether he is the man or not, the people need to see what is REALLY happening not what the liberal media wants to show you
Yeah I’ll put us in camps, meanwhile in the real world u want a guy for president who had a shitty T.V. show an was on Monday Night Raw , who’s next for president for u huh Stone Cold beat it guy , sheep like u is what’s wrong with the country.
Trump will make America great again.