With so many imponderables already surrounding the crisis with North Korea, we can add one more — missing North Korean submarines.
Does North Korea have subs? If so, how many and what are their capabilities? How old are they? How quiet are they? Surely none are nuclear-powered, so they would need periodic refueling. While answers are available to some of those questions, serious issues remain. Such are the problems with just one aspect of this crisis, but it could be one of the more vexing issues.
If these diesel-electric subs can evade detection when running on batteries, could they deliver a weapon to the U.S. homeland? It’s a terrible possibility to contemplate. Yet if we’ve thought of it, certainly military planners have given it much thought as well. Perhaps news of missing North Korean submarines is nothing to be concerned about as the U.S. Navy knows where all of them are at all times and could sink them all in an afternoon. But only the Navy knows that and they obviously aren’t telling.
More on page two.
Complete Jewish Bible
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Ezekiel 12
1 The word of Adonai came to me: 2 “Human being, you are living among a rebellious people. They have eyes that can see, but they don’t take notice; and they have ears that can hear, but they don’t pay attention; because they are a rebellious people.
Oh Jesus fucking christ just put a bullet in him already then. Hey seal team 6 where are you… you supposedly found Osama, this dude is publicly out waving at people… hey CIA isn’t there some disenfranchised north Korean you can bribe to off him… wouldn’t 2 goats and an acre of land be enough to get that job done with their own people…
Complete Jewish Bible
Leviticus: 26
15 if you loathe my regulations and reject my rulings, in order not to obey all my mitzvot but cancel my covenant; 16 then I, for my part, will do this to you: I will bring terror upon you — wasting disease and chronic fever to dim your sight and sap your strength. You will sow your seed for nothing, because your enemies will eat the crops. 17 I will set my face against you — your enemies will defeat you, those who hate you will hound you, and you will flee when no one is pursuing you.
Who knows maybe they developed some kinda hyperdrive, or sub space drive and decided to take the long way home? Lol too funny,
He is crazy..and scares the c**p out of me. i feel so sorry for the people that have to live there.
Obama did serve…as a spy for Saudi Arabia!
N K bye bye