The Justice Department is often referred called a non-partisan organization. This week, new evidence has been revealed that makes that characterization even more unbelievable.
The Justice Department already took one major hit this year. After the department refused to indict Hillary Clinton, it became clear that Clinton’s influence as a major Democratic politician played a major role in the decision. It didn’t help that Attorney General Loretta Lynch was caught meeting with Mr. Clinton just days before the announcement.
Now, the organization is under fire once again. This time, they’ve been caught extorting American companies in order to fund left-wing activists. The accusations come from the Government Accountability Institute, an oversight committee formed to research corruption in American Politics.
If you needed more proof that the Department of Justice is yet another left-wing branch of government, here it is.
Read the findings on the next page:
The DOJ, the leg breakers for Obama…
If your only source of information is the liberal media you really do need to check some other sources befit election time. I’m sure most if not all Killary fans won’t watch Fox because they are discussing the Wikilekes and the emails. So if you don’t like Fox at least go on the Internet and read these emails for yourself. It might just wake you up to the corruption going on behind the people’s back. It seams to me that if you are caught lying and many other illegal acts by using email wouldn’t you at least try a different method of communication. Of course if you don’t care if your caught because you know none of your supporters care what laws you have broken or what you have done against this country. It seems that is happening with Hillary. Why does this woman get by with all these things.
So what’s new, our do nothing congress doesn’t care!
THIEVES liars thugs that is all he is and his minions like that$#%&!@*in the picture….
Charge them and take Comey down too.
Does this surprise anyone??? Then your living on a cave.
Anyone can make up bull$#%&!@* emails and change other emails …that’s why only a few p**s and moan sites even post the trash .only the fucktards that swallow the c**p they spew would even believe it ……..I do watch fox news and I listen to fox talk radio at lunch at work it very entertaining as I see you type people use the examples and repeat it word for word on sites like this 247 food the last 7 years ….get ready to waist 8 to16 more years pissing and moaning food nothing as your old party dies off
I think I’ll just stop reading all of this. I get the idea.