Juliane Moore Gun Owners Want Gun Control

Somebody better tell Second Amendment supports that 90% of them want gun control and that they are being duped by the gun lobby.  At least, this is the story that Julianne Moore believes is true and needs to be spread.

Moore did not state which new rules and limitations gun owners would like to see placed on their Second Amendment rights. Rather, she quoted the go-to liberal talking point that “90 percent of Americans support common-sense reforms that are proven to save lives.” She provided no footnote or citation to back this up, she simply stated it as a matter of fact.

She then compares apples and oranges to prove her facts are true.

Moore then pointed to seat-belts and other car safety regulations that have been enacted over the decades as something the gun control movement can emulate. And she encouraged people to join her gun control movement and push for Congress and the “gun lobby” to take up the cause.

She has no facts, no basis for her claims, but by golly, if they are touted on a HuffPost blog, then that is enough.  The problem with her seat belt analysis is that is just wrong.

Moore did not address Duke University researcher Chris Conover’s recent study demonstrating that owning a car is, in fact, “80 percent” riskier than owning a gun, as it relates to the lives of others.

This study, using actual facts, showed that the comparison of car deaths versus gun deaths did not take into consideration the number of cars on the road in comparison to the number of guns in the country, and there are tens of millions of guns.  Therefore, the facts do not support the gun control argument at all, yet uninformed and perhaps naive proponents find stats they think fit their argument without understanding the totality of the study.

Moore pushes her thoughts as facts, yet they are very much fiction.

Source: Breitbart




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