Jorge Ramos’ head must have felt like a used piñata after outspoken conservative columnist Ann Coulter delivered a blow after blow of truth regarding the argument of America taking in millions upon millions of Mexicans under the pretense of diversity.
While Obama and the left charges amnesty detractors with being hypocritical because America is a ‘nation of immigrants’, Coulter brilliantly destroys this notion.
Good for her. Most illegals coming in now are criminals
Good answer to “immigrants”…. the original people who came to this continent were”settlers”…….. not immigrants.
deport all muslims and illegals along with our muslim president
Ann may not be well liked, however, she’s a smart one and she’ll usually come out on top of the debate.
THose illigals need to go they Shouldnt be here to Start With If Some Of You people In the White house Had Any Guts At all this Would not have happened
Truth hurts doesn’t it !!