Jones: Trump Threatening to Release 9/11 Documents Exposing Mueller, Clintons, Bushes

Did Robert Mueller prevent 9/11 families from suing Saudi Arabia as part of a 9/11 cover-up involving the Bushes and the Clintons? According to Alex Jones, President Trump is set to release information proving such a cover-up was carried out.

On Sunday’s ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’, attorney for 9/11 victim’s families Jim Kreindler claimed that the rush to war with Iraq required that Saudi Arabia’s connection to 9/11 be buried, and Mueller played an instrumental role in making it happen:

He (Kreindler ) underscored how George W. Bush was “good friends with the Saudi ambassador, who….gave $25,000 to one of the government agents who were helping Hosni and Mihdhar, the two terrorists.”

“There was this huge body of evidence that Saudi government officials prepared for the hijackers’ arrival, helped them, got them money, English lessons, safe houses and apartments, and provided the aid without which it would have been impossible, according to the FBI agents who were working the case, for the terrorists to succeed,” said Kreindler.

The attorney stressed that instead of investigating this story, Mueller covered it up.

“Interrogations were shut down, documents have been kept secret,” said Kreindler, adding that the cover-up continued under Obama and then FBI Director James Comey.

9/11 families are now demanding that the documents related to the cover-up, overseen by Mueller, be immediately declassified by President Trump. Amnesty for all FBI agents who were ordered to oversee the cover-up but can now blow the whistle on Mueller is also being considered.

“There is no reason for thousands of documents that reveal both the Saudi role and our own government’s cover-up for 17 years to be kept secret,” said Kreindler.


Turn to the final page to see how the Clintons played into all of this and how the Saudi government appears to be working in tandem with Trump to purge both of their Deep State swamps:




  1. Sandra
  2. Teresa Forsythe
  3. Emma Wike
  4. Mike
  5. Iva

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