Jones: The Men Behind Ted Cruz

CNN had the impudence to label Ted Cruz as the inheritor of the modern libertarian movement built by Ron Paul. Disgustingly enough, the Cruz campaign insists on convincing Rand Paul supporters to join him.

One example of Cruz’s inconsistent ideologies is his view on education reform. Cruz states that he is strongly against Common Core State Standards and points out that the Education Act of 1965 prohibits the establishment of a national curriculum. Below, The Marshall Report lays it out in detail.

His Proposed Bill, S306 “Enhancing Educational Opportunities for all Students Act” offers what is called Title 1 Money to all parents who home school.

The Enhancing Educational Opportunities for All Act would:

Allow Title I funds to follow low-income students to any public or private school of their choice.

A Title I child accepting funds to implement a federal education program is considered a recipient of federal financial assistance. (This will effectually mandate Common Core to every private school accepting the enrolled Title I funded portability child and any child home schooled.)

The same thing Cruz is against Cruz adds in secret to the final amendments of his bills!

In any way Ted Cruz may seem like the hopeful candidate to be elected in November, there is no possibility that Cruz will be calling the shots during his presidency.

Who are the men behind Cruz that ensure the political agenda of the elite continue? According to Infowars it does not end with his wife and her connections to Goldman Sachs.

His campaign manager, Chad C. Sweet, co-founded the Chertoff Group with former Bush and Obama administration Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff. Sweet, as a leader of the Chertoff Group, “advocated for expanding NSA metadata collection,” according to his bio… “prior to becoming Chief of Staff of DHS, Mr. Sweet worked as an investment banker at the firms of Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs as well as served in the CIA’s National Clandestine Service.”

Cruz’s foreign policy advisor…neocon James Woolsey, the former director of the CIA during the Clinton administration…is connected to the now largely defunct Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a think tank with an agenda formulated by top neocons William Kristol and Robert Kagan. PNAC was at the forefront of the Bush administration push to invade Iraq. He is a former vice president of the defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton and an advocate of the neocon hardline on Iran.

Ted’s foreign policy team includes Elliot Abrams, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and the son-in-law of Norman Podhoretz, a trailblazing neoconservative ideologue…and also a staunch advocate of the Iraq invasion.

Finally, a volunteer working in public relations for the Cruz campaign, Dan P. Gabriel, is a former CIA covert action officer and a founding partner of Applied Memetics…The company specializes in propagating memes that ”can move through the cultural sociosphere in a manner similar to the contagious behavior of a virus,” in other words Applied Memetics specializes in propaganda.





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