John Boehner backs Paul Ryan for President

Boehner Insults Base Again

John Boehner should slink back to his hidey hole, slather on more orange instant tanning goo, and just shut up. Apparently he still does not get why his fellow house members threw him out and sent him packing. He also does not seem to realize that he has been completely discredited and his opinion no longer matters. Still, he weighed in on the presidential primaries, and he had this to say:

“If we don’t have a nominee who can win on the first ballot, I’m for none of the above,” Boehner said at the Futures Industry Association conference here. “They all had a chance to win. None of them won. So I’m for none of the above. I’m for Paul Ryan to be our nominee.”

Wading into the GOP nominating battle for the first time since leaving office last fall, Boehner said that “anybody can be nominated” at the convention in Cleveland this summer.

In the same question-and-answer session here, Boehner referred to Ted Cruz as “lucifer.” He previously called the Texas senator, who led the failed Republican effort to shut down the government over Obamacare, a “jackass.”

Boehner, an Ohio Republican who resigned last fall after pressure from conservatives on Capitol Hill, said he voted for his governor, John Kasich, in the Buckeye State primary. Boehner and Kasich served together in the House for a decade.

It is possible that if Republicans had picked more of a man than Boehner to manage affairs in the House of Representatives that Obama would have been far less successful in destroying the country. Instead, Boehner and his establishment Republicans played footsie with the community organizer president to keep their jobs, and they are now surprised that the voters are on the warpath. It makes you wonder how any of these folks get elected in the first place, and it is especially delightful to see them fade into obscurity. So long, Mr. Speaker.




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