Jean-Claude Van Damme: The Rockefellers and Rothschilds will not Permit Cruz or Trump to Win

Jean-Claude Van Damme recently shared a sweet piece of knowledge, or as he says a new philosophy(well, not so new, but one that is hard for most people to swallow) in the video below. Van Damme defends himself like a real truth seeker as he calls out the reason he believes to be why Donald Trump won’t win the U.S. Presidential elections.

Van Damme says that the Rothschilds’ and the Rockefeller’s dominate more than just a continent –they dominate continent(s) — this is not just stopping Trump from winning, but these families are the generating factor to why globalism has spread so far about. Since 1827 these families have been about creating a snowball effect nearing the human race towards their picture of a New World Order. Van Damme adds that the only way to get out of globalism is to leave the world alone.





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