“The president is giving Americans the sense that, as he gives up on Congress, he’s kind of giving up on his job,” states Fox panelists A.B. Stoddard. “They know he’s bolting from the building to go to Starbucks and Chipotle. He’s getting bored in the cocoon; he’s planning his post-presidency.”
Fox news states that Obama is giving the impression that he is ‘giving up on the job’. One can hope, but is this man who has seemed hell bent on destroying this country really considering resigning the presidency in disgrace?
Or is it more likely that this is just propaganda?
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he stopped being anything, he just won’t leave the $#%&!@*ing white house.
Hopefully he is giving up on his job…with a little notice!
We gave up on that radical moslem a long time ago. Its time for him to go by resigning
He’s a POS!!!
you couldn’t run the fool away
LIKE HELL! The only thing he is getting ready for is Martial law, civil war, and the complete destruction of America.
propaganda, there is no way in hell Ovomit is going to resign or just get the hell out of the presidency
Who in the world is the silly woman who calls herself A.B. Stoddard? She does not like Donald J. Trump that is the bottom line! She is not fooling anyone! Marco Rudio and Ted Cruz act like the just won the primary, say 2nd and 3rd place act like 1st place.
I h8 prez Osama, gimme muh Donald Duc- Trump