So the IRS is not only attacking patriot groups they are giving your tax dollars to illegals.
In 2010, more than 2.3 million illegal aliens residing in the United States received more than $4.2 Billion in child tax credits.
In large cities and small towns alike, across the nation, illegals are receiving massive tax returns that at times, equal more than half of the amount of the average American citizen’s annual income
In towns as small as Thermal, CA, where the population is just under 3,000 total residents, there were 67 tax returns sent to illegals residing at a total of only 95 addresses in the total amount of $402,000 in refunds.
In Parksley, VA, a small town of less than 1,000 residents, there were 100 returns sent to illegals residing in only 48 different residences, for a combined amount of $163,711. And in Frankford, DE, population 862, total returns of $712,004 were mailed to 183 households of illegals.
How can this be happening, you ask? It’s due to a little tax rule passed back in 1996 that was nothing more than the IRS’s cheesy little way to pay illegals to stay in the U.S.
This has nothing to do with Obama you buffoon. More like Reagan’s. The Gov WANTS illegal immingrants because our population is dwindling. Nearly 20% of our military is now Hispanic. It’s all in the plan, but most people like you are too stupid to understand.
Maryland issues them driver license…they don’t pay any taxes but reap more benefits than hard working U.S. born citizens..this is getting to be a big issue. I own a small business and pay more in taxes than I earn for myself, I don’t get food EBT, free medical & housing, I get robbed by 2 of these dudes, they are getting free immigration attorney which cost me as a taxpayer to find a way for him to remain in the US so these pricks can rob again. They come into my place again I will be locked up because I will take care of them myself. Too many bleeding hearts making our laws.
$#%&!@*ing liar the hispanic people only ask for the work the lazy white and black people dont want to get off there ass and do there self they are the ones keeping the usa running now hispanic people do pay taxes stupid bitch do your homework before you talk in maryland you dont got school over there so do your homework im 100% mexican lover,i love me someone who will get off his ass and work unlike white and black men.bring on the mexican
Ignorent people yall voted for him! Hes on top of it all i thought it was bad with with bush lit don’t matter what annyonee says he bring it down and takin our economy with him! Yall fault for votin for a critter