In what has got to be one of the most ridiculous ‘gun fear’ stories of the year, 16-year-old Alex Stone of Summerville High School, a suburb of Charleston, SC was actually ARRESTED for a writing assignment that mentioned shooting a gun.
“I killed my neighbor’s pet dinosaur, and then, in the next status, I said I bought the gun to take care of the business.” the student stated about his writing assignment.
[/nextpagelink]Student Arrested For only Writing About Shooting A Gun[/nextpagelink]
This is absolutely ridiculous! PC run amok. Violation of first amendment rights!
Barry is a snake that trickles down the chain and spills into the private sector! Get with god who does not allow fear to enter hearts!!
1st amendment….unbelievable only in Obama’s America….keep voting democrat and we won’t have an America
They have taken gun hating to far. But they have done so for years an gotten away with it. It is time we put a stop to it before it’s to late.
propaganda !
someone needs to be FIRED big time
lisahawks says:
“they arrested him for writing a school assignment? shouldn’t the teacher be the one in jail?”
freedom of speech young man!!
Our country was founded on guns, you stupid educators don’t you read your history books What do you think Washington used on the British words you stupid liberal Democrats, We should be teaching our kids about guns and how to use them because someday we will be using them on people like you who want guns removed from our country.