Influential British Imam: Put the Gays to Death ‘wherever you are’

Liberals continue to attack Christians for their belief in traditional marriage, but remain silent when it comes to radical Muslims promoting the systematic execution of gays.  This week, Britain’s most influential radical Imam voiced his support for Omar Mateen’s brand of punishment for homosexuals:

Gays should be put to death under sharia law whether the Islamic doctrine is implemented in Muslim countries or the West, exclaimed Britain’s most notorious radical Islamist preacher, Anjem Choudary, during an interview.

Asked whether gays who were confirmed to have engaged in homosexual acts should be stoned under sharia law, Choudary replied:

They would be wherever you are, whether in the East or the West, if we had the Sharia implemented, as you say, with a judiciary, with a legitimate leader and the courts, etc., were there. Then yes. They will face capital punishment. I mean, people differ about the way that punishment would be implemented, but it would be the death penalty.

Choudary was speaking in a joint interview with Breitbart News and this reporter’s Sunday night weekend national talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.”

Don’t expect anywhere near the level of outrage that liberals reserve for conservatives, Christians, and Donald Trump over Choudary’s remarks.  After all, they would not want to appear Islamaphobic.

liberal hypocrisy islamaphobia cartoon

Source: Breitbart



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