Liberals have made it clear in recent years that they do not believe in enforcing United States immigration laws. They have made this obvious through the implementation of “sanctuary cities.” These sanctuary cities protect illegal immigrant populations from punishment for breaking the laws that protect the sovereignty of the United States.
Former first lady and Secretary of State — and Democratic presidential nominee — Hillary Clinton recently detailed a specific, step-by-step plan to dissolve the border security of the United States within her first 100 days in office if she is elected president.
President Obama, through executive order, that even he declared unconstitutional, granted legal status to millions of illegal immigrants currently living in the United States.
The attitudes and actions of leading liberal politicians in this country have emboldened illegal immigrants to continue entering and living in the country illegally. Who can blame them when even our president doesn’t believe in our laws? Just last week, the valedictorian of a Texas high school admitted to being an illegal immigrant in her graduation speech to thunderous applause. To hear how the teen blasted the United States government — along with GOP nominee Donald Trump — continue reading on the next page:
She needs to do it legally. There is nothing that I haven’t said in regards to her getting educated LEGALLY
Being here illegal when we have so many who do not get chances like she does because of what ever govt reasons give Honest Hard Working Americans because they give to those who cant obtain papers making them legal.
If I have to prove I am a US citizen while attending a community college so should EVERYONE ELSE!! I pay taxes through VALID EMPLOYMENT I TURN IN TO IRS, the school looks at my income. There for LAW NEEDS TO APPLY TO EVERYONE
My newest comment on this because people don’t seem or care what we are mad about. I go to college. I HAVE TO PROVE I AM A US CITIZEN AND TURN IN MY TAX INFORMATION EACH YEAR!! Sometimes I get audited and have to ALWAYS PROVE I AM A LEGAL US CITIZEN. Name of my College is East Central in Union Mo. I am 32. If I have to do all this EVERY SEMESTER. AND VERIFY I AM LEGAL— SO SHOULD EVERYONE ELSE!!
Pack her up and send her to Tijuana U for her scholarship. Give her scholarship to the child of a hard working citizen who can’t afford to send them to school because our tax money are going to these law breakers.
Please if you are not happy and you think you are so entitled to all you see, go home. To where you and your family are from. My husband is from Britain, he spent about 4 and 1/2 years and 15 thousand dollars to become a LEGAL UNCONDITIONAL PERMANENT RESIDENT! No he is not made of money but he would get in line about 4:30 in the morning day after day to get to see an INS officer. If you want to be here then you need to put in the work and the effort the same as others who want to be here. YOU cannot come here without effort and expect the US to bow down to you and present you with all you think you are entitled to. This country offers opportunity. If you want to be here then work for it and go about the proper channels. You can not come here illegally and expect to be treated like a princess. You are a disgrace to all those who truly want to be here and try the correct way to be here.
Illegal look it up in the dictionary. Then shut up and go back where your came from. If you want to come here do it legally.
I don’t care what grades you have you want free college do a 4 year service to the Military than I’m my eyes you have earned the GI Bill
Why is a illegal immigrant here in this country at all…Its because obama wont enforce our laws…. so wrong….. And she should not be on TV or the internet.. they are just prompting hate… just plain wrong
the stupid !!