Howard Dean Suggests Trump Snorted Coke Before Debate

The charge was so patently ludicrous that even MSNBC felt obligated to call Dean out on it the next during an interview with the former governor. Pressed by host Kate Snow about the matter, Dean seemed to back down from his earlier comments, denying that he suggested Trump snorted cocaine in spite of obvious evidence (i.e. his Twitter post) to the contrary:

“While Dean said he would never make a diagnosis over television, he said that sniffles like of the sort picked up repeatedly by Trump’s microphone are ‘a signature of people who use cocaine.’

Dean quickly added: ‘I’m not suggesting that Trump does, but—’

‘Well,’ Snow interrupted, ‘you are suggesting it, actually, in a Tweet.’

‘No,’ Dean said, ‘I’m suggesting we think about it.'”

The Trump campaign responded:

“Governor Dean’s comment was beyond the pale and has no place in our important political discussion,” the Trump campaign said to NBC News on Tuesday night.

“On a night where millions of Americans were able to compare and contrast the policies of both candidates, Governor Dean went straight to the gutter and was nothing more than a sad distraction in a desperate attempt to stay relevant,” the campaign added.

Source: Philly




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