It sounds too good to be true, but it’s really happening: congressional Republicans are finally showing some backbone and taking the fight to big government.
After years of kowtowing to demand after demand from the Obama administration, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis) led House Republicans in introducing a game-changing tax plan. If the proposed reforms go through, the remaining tax code will, as Texas Rep. Kevin Brady put it, be “so simple and fair and understandable that it could fit on a postcard.”
Right off the top, it promises radical changes to the current, bloated mess we have for a tax system: limiting the number of tax brackets to three, the plan will ease the burden on Americans across every income level. It also means that the 33% tax rate that corporations are currently forced to pay, the highest in the world, will decrease down to 20%, while individuals will be guaranteed that they will have to pay no more than 33% of their income to the federal government.
Read more about the House Republicans’ exciting new tax plan on the next page:
33% for individuals? You call that a CUT???!!!
It sounds like the wealthy would actually have to pay taxes if they got rid of the loop holes and made it so that everyone pays 33%. Cause making them pay 33% instead of them being in a 50% bracket when they actually pay 1% isn’t exactly a tax cut.
Abolish the I.R.S! Let us have the Fair Tax or even the Flat Tax. Either is far superior to what we have now.
how about abolishing the irs and having a simple system that normal people can deal with and have everybody pay something
How about they eliminate double taxation.
Yes ! This would be great for all Americans !
Flat tax of 16% no deductions, not tax on any income under $30,000. All irs agents reassigned to audit government spending to limit waste and mismanagement of approved funds…
Better ,the IRS should be abolished and we ought to switch to a flat tax.
It must be… Yep, it’s an election year. Vote them all out. Send a message to Washington.