If you take a look at the bigger picture, you can connect the dots that lead to this point. The Colorado Climate Project is a good place to start. When the RMCO launched the project that was aimed at reducing the state’s contribution and vulnerability to climate change, it was undertaken as a private initiative. Then there’s the Colorado gun legislation, which has created some of the most drastic gun control laws in the country. There’s also the fact that a lot of the people backing Agenda 21 have already placed themselves in positions to ensure it all goes smoothly.
The Koch Brothers Spearhead the Agenda 21 Takeover of Colorado
The Koch brothers have accomplished nothing. The brothers inherited their immense wealth from their father, Soviet oilman Fred Koch. Yet, these entitled Koch brothers feel that should have the right to dictate to everyone else how they should live.
Stalin actually brought in Fred Koch in order to develop the Soviet Union’s oil industry and now the sins of the father are being visited upon Fred’s sons as they are bringing a virulent form of communism to Colorado.
Koch Industries is the second largest corporation in the United States and true to form, they have no scruples. The Koch brothers are so corrupt that they have been caught stealing oil from protected Indian lands. This should be a hint to the people of Colorado as to what lies in their immediate future.
The Koch brothers espouse the Agenda 21 belief that you do not control your wealth, land, food, water and air, the state does on behalf of the corporations that they serve. For example, the Koch brothers are attacking social security. They have spent $29 million dollars to put forth the propaganda that social security is broke. It is only broke because Congress keeps raiding the funds. The Koch brothers want the retirement age to go to 70 years of age. They want to get their greedy hands on social security so that they can invest the funds on Wall Street, thus, risking everyone’s social security retirement funds.
The principal sponsors of the Agenda 21 takeover of Colorado includes the Denver Water Board, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Pat Stryker, the City of Aspen, BP America, the Koch brothers and the Rockefeller Family Fund.
Because of the Colorado Climate Change and their unwarranted influence, Colorado farmers are losing more and more of their farmland. The State Legislature and the Colorado Supreme Court are forcing Colorado farmers to forsake the use of well water in the irrigation of their crops during a period of prolonged drought. They have ordered the shutdown of 440 wells. Colorado farmland is drying up, crop yield is down and many farmers are facing ruination. This is classic Agenda 21 in which the only ones who should be able to farm in rural areas are the large corporate farms and the government. Under this group it is illegal to trap rainwater, reuse irrigation water and 50% of all farmland cannot be tilled under their proposals. We are talking about the complete destruction of Colorado farming and the absolute installment of Agenda 21 policies in the state.
If Colorado is the beta test for the Agenda 21, let’s hope people open their eyes to what’s happening before it’s too late. If this test proves successful for those in charge of it, it could mean bad times lay ahead for American citizens in terms of tyranny.
Source: thecommonsenseshow.com
UN taking more and more US soil as their own, for their One World Natoin?
And who the hell is the U.N. Think they are? Our own corrupt Politicians have sold us out.
Hope so
This is the reason that Hickenlooper was asked to attend the globalist Bilderberg meeting this past year. He agreed to sell out Colorado citizens.