Hillary’s State Dept Helped Jailed Clinton Foundation Donor Pocket $10 Million

Providing housing for the poor in Haiti sounds like a terrific thing to do. Anyone familiar with the country knows that its people have suffered mightily.  Enter the Clinton Foundation and a fellow named Claudio Osorio.

Judicial Watch identifies Osorio as, “a shady Miami businessman serving a 12-year prison sentence after scamming the government out of millions,” and as “a Clinton Foundation donor who got $10 million from the government after the Clinton State Department reportedly pulled some strings.”  Sounds like a typical pal of Bill and Hillary, right?

What were the $10 million in state department funds to be used for?  “Osorio’s ‘Haiti project’ was supposed to build 500 homes for displaced families in the aftermath of the earthquake,” according to the same Judicial Watch story.  The homes were never built.

I’ve have all I can stand of this.  You can read all the gory details at the Judicial Watch site if you wish.

It’s one thing to engage in fraudulent practices for your own benefit. But to benefit from fraud that diverts money away from poor people in an impoverished country who don’t even have a place to live due to an earthquake hits a new low.  It takes a Clinton to benefit from a tragedy like that.

Photo: US Embassy


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