[Video] Hillary’s Own Running Mate Can’t Say She’s Trustworthy…

Even Hillary Clinton’s VP choice, Tim Kaine, could not tell the American people that she should be trusted.

In a Today Show interview, Kaine attempted to say that Hillary’s words were just a variation of the same story and blamed the listeners for not hearing her intent correctly.  However, the interviewer pointed out at least four statements made by Hillary that turned out to just not be true.

Kaine replied that Hillary has said she made a mistake with her email and would learn from it, to which The Today Show host pointed out that she still lied and has not apologized for lying.

Trump is then attacked by Kaine, “When has Donald Trump during the campaign or in the course of his life said, ‘I made a mistake and I’m better and I’m gonna grow from it?'”

Hillary is not trustworthy, because even Kaine said that she made a mistake, yet Trump is more untrustworthy because Kaine doesn’t know if he has ever uttered these words.



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