Hillary’s History of Falls and Physical Trauma

The odd behavior exhibited by Hillary Clinton could very well be tied to the multiple times she has fallen. One particularly bad fall happened in December of 2015, when she fainted and fell, hitting her head, which resulted in a concussion.

The State Department claimed that she had fainted due to dehydration and the stomach flu, but her recent behavior may indicate a more serious issues.

Mrs. Clinton, 65, was admitted to NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia hospital on Sunday after a scan discovered the blood clot. The scan was part of her follow-up care for a concussion she sustained more than two weeks earlier, when she fainted and fell, striking her head.

The clot was potentially serious, blocking a vein that drains blood from the brain. Untreated, such blockages can lead to brain hemorrhages or strokes. Treatment consists mainly of blood thinners to keep the clot from enlarging and to prevent more clots from forming, and plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration, which is a major risk factor for blood clots.

In one sense, Mrs. Clinton was lucky: a clot higher in this drainage system, in a vessel with no partner to take the overflow, would have been far more dangerous, according to Dr. Geoffrey T. Manley, the vice chairman of neurological surgery at the University of California, San Francisco. He is not involved in her care.

Blood clots are not new to Hillary Clinton, as in 1998, she had a clot in her leg.  Dr. Manley stated that this clot suggests that she may have health factors that make her prone to forming clots, thus resulting in a need to be on long-term blood thinner therapy.

One major risk to people who take blood thinners is that the drugs increase bleeding, so blows to the head from falls or other accidents — like the fall that caused Mrs. Clinton’s concussion — become more dangerous, and more likely to cause a brain hemorrhage. Even so, the medication should not interfere with Mrs. Clinton’s career, Dr. Manley said.

Perhaps Dr. Manley is incorrect about the medication, because the bizarre behavior that Hillary has exhibited seems to be on interference.  Her propensity to fall could indicate continued head trauma.  The seizure like behavior that has been displayed recently also alludes to deeper issues.

She had several risk factors for clots, including dehydration and her previous history of a clot. In addition, women are more prone than men to this type of clot, particularly when dehydrated. The fall may also have been a factor, though it is not clear whether her head injury was serious enough to have caused a blood clot. The type of clot she had is far more likely to be associated with a skull fracture than with a concussion, several experts said.

Some speculate that the fall in 2015 was due to being overworked. That the 950,000 miles she had traveled as Secretary of State wore her out and therefore she fainted due to the “jet lag and high-pressure meetings”.  If this is in fact the case, shouldn’t this be of greater concern as she runs for President?

Her falls and recent confusion seem to show that she will not be able to physically and mentally handle the job required as the President making her unfit.

The questionable health condition of Hillary Clinton should be a major issue of the 2016 campaign.

The latest evidence comes in the form of Clinton being helped up a set of stairs by multiple individuals outside what appears to be a home.

The photos, published by Reuters and Getty, show the 68-year-old candidate with aides holding her arms as she ascends the stairs.

Something is amiss with Hillary but Bill and the campaign will not address the fact that she is displaying very “questionable health” issues.



Source: The American Mirror  NY Times  NY Times



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