The mainstream media is panicking over foreign interference in the election, but a new list put out by a prominent think-tank shows that they’ve been looking for it in all the wrong places.
If you were to tell people ten years ago that Democrats would one day be accusing their opponents of being Russian agents, you would probably be laughed out of the bar or wherever you happened to be at the moment. Yet that is exactly has happened: liberals are seriously leveling the charge against Donald Trump that he is a pawn of Moscow. Their evidence is scant, but they are absolutely convinced that Trump is a modern-day version of the Rosenbergs (who, ironically, progressives actually rallied around despite the fact that they actually were traitors).
Predictably, the people who are quick to identify Trump as a dupe of a foreign power are quiet about certain associations Hillary Clinton made that open herself up to similar charges.
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Who’d have guessed?