Queue your X-Files music because Hillary Clinton has announced her intentions to “get to the bottom” of the UFO situation that government is allegedly covering up. While that may or may not be true, at her recent editorial board meeting with The Conway Daily Sun, the former senator and secretary of state answered several questions about foreign policy, the economy, and UFOs. And when she answered those several questions, she probably lied, lied and then lied some more.
Back in 2007, Clinton stated that the number one topic of freedom-of-information requests that her husband received was information regarding UFOs. In 2014 Bill Clinton told late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel that it wouldn’t surprise him if aliens had already visited Earth. During her board meeting, Hillary joked, saying “hopefully it’s not like ‘Independence Day’. If she somehow becomes president, I’m sure there are plenty of people who wouldn’t mind seeing her get attacked by aliens.
Read what else she promised on the next page.
Stupid is as stupid does
I think some people need to re read Revelations and see that it is talking about a Poleshift. Start with rev: 6. The rapture may not be what your thinking it is. If you knew how many different races of beings have and are on the Earth you wouldn’t be so prehistoric in your thought processes. Your church tells you they are demons to keep control over you. Keep that money coming in. Why do you think Jesus chased out the money changers in the Temple? Heaven doesn’t have money but man sure does lust after it. Look at all the wealth the churches have and the want you to tithe more. Look how your clergy lives? High on the hog. Now look how the Pope lives. He gets it. He leads by example and I’m not Catholic or any other religion.. Mine is a spiritual existence. Demons indeed.
Relevant government agencies with connections to space programs refused to answer Bill Clinton’s UFO questions and they certainly won’t answer his wife’s inquiries. Their clearances aren’t high enough.