Hillary Laughs As Unhinged Supporter Says He Wants To ‘Strangle’ Carly Fiorina

For all their eagerness to elevate lone nuts who make ill-advised remarks to demagoguing spokesmen for entire political tendencies, the media have been unusually mum about this Clinton supporter admitting before an entire audience and before Clinton herself his wish to strangle Carly Fiorina. Breitbart comments:

“She probably did the same when Vince Foster died.”

“Get to work, media! Find out who this man was, and give him the full ‘potential domestic terrorist’ treatment!

“Write your agonized screeds about the degeneration of public discourse in America. Excoriate Hillary Clinton for not only tolerating, but encouraging, this violent language, instead of lecturing her supporter on his unacceptable words and reminding him about the ‘War on Women.’ Lament how these Democrats are dehumanizing Fiorina instead of engaging with her ideas.”

“You’re the same media that held Sarah Palin responsible for the Tucson shootings because of symbols she used on a map the killer never saw.”

“You’re the media that would proclaim the end of a Republican campaign, if we had video of the candidate laughing about the idea of strangling Hillary Clinton.”

War on Women indeed! Speaking of which, I wonder where a grown man saying he wants to murder the only other woman running for president fits into that.

Source: Breitbart.com


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  1. Jake Sherwood

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