Hillary Clinton addressed the murder of five police officers in Dallas by a black militant, and not surprisingly, she widely misses the mark on cause and effect. Rather than recognize that President Obama has fed and encouraged the anger and the justification by blacks and “black lives matter” instigators, her answer is to overcome the “implicit bias” of police by spending $1 billion on additional training, and bringing the community together to walk in the shoes of black activists. When is anyone going to insist that individuals are responsible for their own behavior?
However, her very skewed perspective is actually simply pandering to the black community, and it guarantees that a Clinton administration would simply use blacks as political pawns rather than seeking ways to heal the nation.
Clinton then goes on to talk about the FBI findings regarding her email and illegal server. While most people would at least be a bit penitent after dodging a certain conviction, she proceeds to rewrite history and to once again insist that there actually were NO classified documents, since they unmarked, and she also blames others who handled the documents and somehow misled her or didn’t recognize the significance of the documents. It is absolutely amazing to watch this liar operate and spin her stories on the fly.
It seems that Democrats are more than willing to boost this disgusting liar into the Oval Office, and it is both tragic and deeply depressing that they could either be that dense or that corrupt. The nation deserves much better, but for some reason Democrats are willing to support the most corrupt of individuals for the office of the presidency.
She is a criminal and an Idiot! NeverHillary! Voted for Trump last Tuesday! Everyone needs to get out and Vote and I hope Vote for Trump!
Vote Trump! Polls were bad! Trump should be leading all polls that are correctly weighted!
Criminal behavior Prosecute Hillary! Hopefully, the FBI does this new investigation the RIGHT way. You in panel a grand jury, issue subpoenas, and don’t give immunity to anyone and indict all the cronies in the Clinton Foundation and campaign!! Pundits and polls have this election all wrong! Trump is winning big league!
She is an idiot
I don’t see her doing much walking.
Hey you wack job…..try walking in our shoes us lower middle class folk living on the low end of SSI. Then look around and see just who are racist….because your blinders are too tight
My grandma was put into an orphanage by force when her mom died…seems if you didn’t remarry fast enough they took the kids from men back then , because men couldn’t raise 5 kids under the age of 7 . And when he went to get them back they had been sent all over the country. My grandma and her younger brother got sent to a tobacco plantation in Tenn. And lived in the black share croper’s shacks. Only came up to the big house on Sunday.to get dressed for church. They worked the fields till they were old enough to run away. 10 years for my grandma.
You are a stupid$#%&!@*bitch, I nor anyone in my family ever owned a slave, and the first black slave owner in this country was a black man!
we can’t continue to allow the government to subvert this country. We must stop it NOW.
Like Regan would say here she goes again with her blame game and lies!! All Hilliar has to do is speak and we know she is lying!!!!
ok u normal people walk in my shoes (get in line to be hit with a rock!)
Hillary sorry ur skull isnt broken like mine it isnt fair!