Hillary, De Blasio Blasted Over Racist Skit

The joke was too much for Odom, who in no uncertain terms told De Blasio that he didn’t “like jokes like that.” Attempting to undo the damage her ally just inflicted, Clinton unconvincingly explained that he meant “Cautious politician time,” although it didn’t exactly sound like she bought her own explanation:

“And it didn’t take long before social media was rife with ridicule toward the Clinton camp.

If a white Republican even thought of making a joke on ‘CP time’, Salon and Fusion wouldn’t be able to get out a racism piece quick enough.

— Britt (@brittaufait) April 10, 2016

Hillary’s blunder with de Blasio came at a bad time. Bill Clinton created negative press for his wife’s campaign after he was caught on tape clashing with Black Lives Matter protesters about black-on-black crime.

The headlines after Hillary’s colored people joke were about as bad as they’ve been throughout the Democratic primary.

‘Hillary Clinton Tries to Prove She’s Not Racist With Awkward Joke About ‘Colored People Time’ read one headline.

‘Hillary Clinton and Bill de Blasio Set Off Cringing With Painful Joke About ‘Colored People Time,” read another.”

Watch the video below:

Source: Breitbart



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