Hillary Completed No Security Briefings or Courses Whilte at State Dept

Hillary Completed No Security Briefings or Courses Whilte at State Dept

According to new legal filings brought before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by the Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton never completed any security briefings or the courses on how to handle classified materials. While they’re still trying to figure out where to blame goes for this, it has renewed calls for Hillary to be stripped of her security clearance.

State Department officials had previously released reports that they could not locate any records that Clinton or her aides took the annually required security courses. Well, now we know why. No doubt, Hillary will find somebody else to blame this on, but if the overwhelming evidence (that’s always against her) proves anything, it’s that she ignored the obligation to take courses and briefings. Apparently she thinks she’s above all of that, and those above her obviously felt the same way, which would explain why her email server was found in a bathroom in Colorado.

Read what the State Department’s spokesman said about it on the next page.

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