Hillary Clinton: I’m “the most transparent politician in modern times”

Hillary Clinton: I’m “the most transparent politician in modern times”

Hillary Clinton has descended into self-parody in her latest denial of responsibility for her mishandling of sensitive emails.

Asked by John Harwood on CNBC about the matter, the Democratic frontrunner granted that she and her underlings at the State Department had been “sloppy” in the way they treated the documents. Thus, in classic Clinton fashion, she attempted to make it look like she was being the bigger person by “taking responsibility” but without actually allowing herself to be held accountable for her wrongdoing.

Indeed, she proceeded to deny that any of the emails currently under investigation were classified, an incredible enough claim, but one surpassed by her next one. Doubling down on her almost delusional perception of reality, the former Secretary of State stated that she has “been the most transparent politician in modern times as far I know,” a claim so false on it’s face that one is almost shocked that her host didn’t burst into laughter upon hearing it.

Watch Hillary utter this mind-boggling statement on the next page:


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