Hillary Clinton: Cops are Racist, Must be ‘Retrained’

Hillary Clinton seems to think our nation’s law enforcement officers deserve scorn rather than respect, and she’s gone on a full-on assault on the police in order to try and revitalize her ailing campaign.

“Today, I was endorsed by this beautiful young woman, Nicole Bell, whose fiancé was killed by the police right before she was to be married. When I was a Senator, I tried to help. I tried to stand up about what had happened,” the former secretary of state said at the Brown Memorial Baptist Church in Clinton Hill, NY.

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Clinton added, “today she wrote an editorial in The Daily News endorsing me and she said we have three common goals, she and I together, we have to end the epidemic of gun violence.”

Bell didn’t write an op-ed Sunday, but in an interview with The New York Daily News she said, “[Hillary’s] against racial profiling. And she wants to make investments to improve training for police officers. Those issues hit home for me and my family.”

Hillary repeated these comments almost verbatim at her church visit saying, “We have to end racial profiling and we have to retrain our police officers so they can do a job that doesn’t require reaching for their gun when it is absolutely unnecessary.”

Pair these remarks with her recent comments that police are intentionally killing young black man, and you get a clear picture of where Clinton stands on law enforcement. She harbors not respect for the men and women who put their lives on the line every day to keep Americans safe, but contempt. Luckily for her, she has the Secret Service at her side at all times — ones that are just as likely to pull their guns as the police. Somehow, its unlikely that she’ll mind if it’s her life on the line.

Source: Daily Caller





  1. tkey
  2. Lucy Bee Webb

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