Hillary: Armed Americans Don’t Make The Country Safer

So what about the latest statistics on that say only 11,208 people died from gun related homicides in 2013? Somebody is making up numbers or adding unrelated ones.

To get her “33,000” people a year, Clinton added the 500 accidental gun deaths and the 21,175 suicides. While her math skills are impressive, her ability to tell the truth is lacking. Then again, that’s not anything new.

The second point to note is that Clinton’s position against more armed Americans runs counter to American public opinion. In the wake of San Bernardino, Americans have expressed their pro-gun stance through various polls. Rasmussen reported that 63 percent of Americans with a gun in the home feel safer for having the weapon, and 61 percent of Americans said that NRA policies–markedly pro-gun and pro-concealed carry–make Americans safer. Moreover, Americans have voted with their feet since the San Bernardino attacks, emptying gun store shelves all over the country to acquire the weapons they need for self-defense.

While sheriffs around the country are urging citizens to carry guns daily as a way to fight terrorism, Clinton believes this is the wrong approach. She believes that arming responsible citizens will not translate into safety.

It would seem that her idea of safety and the idea of those capable of logical thinking are two completely different things.

Despite saying this, she didn’t exactly elaborate on what her idea of safety is.

Source: breitbart.com 



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