Hezbollah Leader: Trump Is Right, Obama and Clinton Created ISIS

Hassan Nasrallah, leader of the Hezbollah terror group, cited American Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s words several days ago stating that current American President Barack Obama had founded ISIS – and agreed with him.

Hassan Nasrallah, leader of the Hezbollah terror group, cited American Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s words several days ago stating that current American President Barack Obama had founded ISIS – and agreed with him.

During a event for Hezbollah supporters in Southern Lebanon, Nasrallah cited Trump, emphasizing: “The American Presidential candidate is saying this. What he says is based on documents and facts.”

Nasrallah, who sent thousands of his soldiers to Syria in order to take part in the fight against ISIS alongside fighters of the Syrian regime, has asserted for some time now that the US helped found ISIS in order to create instability in the Middle East.

Source: Israel National News

During a broadcast on Memri TV, Nasrallah made similar comments:



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