Henry Kissinger Outlines His Vision of The New World Order

Global government, a New World Order — these and terms like them are an abhorrence to those who cherish individual liberties. They have no place in the founding of our nation nor in its founding documents.  But the effort to establish some sort of supra-national governing body just won’t go away.

So we come to Henry Kissinger.  We’ll resist the temptation to delineate why he’s such a menace and get right to the story.

Former Secretary of State and national security adviser Kissinger — a key front man for a powerful movement aiming to impose what he and other globalists refer to as a “New World Order” — recently outlined some of the establishment’s concerns. In a piece published on August 29 [2014] in the Wall Street Journal, headlined “Henry Kissinger on the Assembly of a New World Order,” the prominent foreign policy Machiavellian also proposed the acceleration of efforts to impose global governance on humanity.

Looks like things are not moving fast enough for Henry.  And he’s certainly not happy with the current situation for which his New World Order is his obvious solution.

“The concept of order that has underpinned the modern era is in crisis,” argued the globalist apparatchik. As evidence, he cited the planned collapse of Libya after being “liberated” by the United Nations and Obama; the Islamic State’s efforts to impose a “caliphate” in the Middle East (without mentioning the crucial role played by the U.S. government and its allies in creating the threat to begin with); and alleged tensions between Russia and the West. Again without mentioning the U.S. government or his own role in the trends, Kissinger also points to “a relationship with China divided between pledges of cooperation and public recrimination.”

What should we do according to Mr. Kissinger?

“You really have to read between the lines to understand what Dr. Kissinger is saying,” explained analyst Anthony Wile at the market-oriented Daily Bell, which specializes in reading between the lines and exposing globalist memes. “Dr. Kissinger and his backers want more comprehensive global government. Some of the chaos in the world today is certainly due to THEIR actions and their determination to create or sustain warfare in troubled regions of the world. Kissinger is being disingenuous by not admitting to that. He is also being disingenuous by not being clear about the seeming remedy: Reducing or eliminating parts of the [U.S.] Constitution (formally or not), that don’t ‘fit’ with the political systems of other regions.”

The story ends with this appropriate admonition, especially for those of us in the United States.

Americans who support individual liberty, biblical Christianity, national independence, free markets, the Constitution, and other traditional U.S. values ought to study Kissinger’s words carefully. The “New World Order” and the “regions” he and his fellow globalists are pushing are not a new idea — and for the overwhelming majority of humanity, its fruits have been and will be disaster.


Source:  The New American
Por Marsha Miller [Public domain], undefined



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