Help Give a Homeless Veteran a Bed

Help Give a Homeless Veteran a Bed

Founded on November 20, 2015, with the mission to “provide these veterans with a fully furnished home so they can have a real new beginning”, David Preston, a U.S. Navy Veteran, created the Furnish A Veteran project.

David Preston’s own journey to begin this organization is compelling.  Disaster struck this CEO’s comfortable and successful life when he became very sick with a lipid coated virus.  The chronic fatigue made it next to impossible to do even basic life skills.

For two and a half years, David battled the illness, as well as suicidal thoughts.  His illness took his business, his home and his wife.  His entire life, as he knew it, was utterly changed.  After surgery, David had no home to return to, so the VA hospital put him in touch with Homeless Veterans Program, where he got the help he needed.

He experienced a complete healing, but also discovered a need that veterans were not getting through government programs.  Through the Homeless Veterans Program he was provided with a stable home, which he shared with two other homeless vets, groceries and professional and employment counseling and training.  The HPACT (Homeless Patient Aligned Care Teams) 90 day program helped David get back on his feet, get an apartment and begin again.

After receiving much needed care and support from the VA, Preston saw a need that was not met by HPACT (Homeless Patient Aligned Care Teams) and decided to do something about it.

He founded Furnish A Veteran and has been filling the the empty homes of once homeless veterans ever since.

The Federal Government does a wonderful job of providing everything you need up to moving in. The help is finished at that point. They provide no furniture, appliances or anything other than the rent. Most veterans sleep on the floor in an empty home until they can save and buy the furniture and appliances everyone else has! This is a long road to recovery. Don’t get me wrong. Like me, they’re very grateful to have a safe, clean place to live and a new life with meaning, but it’s still a challenge to live in an empty home without becoming depressed, which can lead them into becoming homeless and back on the streets again. I started Furnish A Veteran to resolve this problem and provide these veterans with a fully furnished home so they can have a real new beginning. With one storage area and the help of local ministries and volunteers we have furnished 71 homes for homeless veterans in the past 4 months. Imagine what we can do for ALL homeless veterans across America with your help!!

This is a organization that will use donations to furnish the empty homes of these homeless veterans and get them the pride they so desperately need back into their lives.

Furnish A Veteran’s Facebook page has updates and a link to donate to this worthy cause.  Veterans are being given a new lease on life, no longer homeless, with a bed to lie their heads on and a kitchen table at which to break bread, through the generous support of readers like you.

January 29, 2016, Furnish A Veteran posted:

We are being contacted and called on by many other veteran organizations now for many things and partnerships. The growth we are charting for this year and new partnerships will allow us to help thousands of veterans in need all across this great nation.

We are grateful, humbled and feel blessed to be of service to you. Make it a great weekend folks, just because you can! We’ll be out and about at several meetings/functions

There is an estimated 50,000 homeless veterans in the US. This is completely unacceptable!

We owe so much to the men and women who have served our country with honor.

Read David’s story and then help him give back.

Go to the Furnish a Veteran Facebook page below right now, then take a look at their website and help with a donation of any size.

Simply by joining their Facebook page you will bring awareness to this non-profit project as your friends will follow what you do.

Here’s their official website where you can donate:

Thank you.

Source: Furnish A Veteran, Truth and Action




  1. Jake Sherwood

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