As automobile manufacturers add more and more special features to their cars, the systems that these vehicles rely on become more and more complex and also more and more vulnerable to outside tampering.
Now hundreds of thousands of vehicles produced by one major manufacturer are vulnerable to remote hacking that can take over critical systems like brakes, steering, and transmission. Two security researchers; car hackers, recently demonstrated the vulnerability they’d discovered.
Learn more about this alarming flaw and the company’s reaction to the problem on the NEXT PAGE:
Glad mine’s too old
But they have to be equipped. A cop just can’t drive up next to your car and shut your motor off. it’s not like the bait car you have to equip the vehicle. And yes fuel injection cars are electronic carburators but that doesn’t mean that you can just control it with your phone or laptop… Lol. If the car doesn’t have the module on it to be remotely controlled you can’t give it gas you can’t steer it you can’t nothing
Now a new threat.. and it’s from the compnay that Obama Sold in the bailout,,,,,, to of all places France….
Sounds like my wife is driving
So much for automation