Greenspan says Government spending is America’s biggest Economic Drain.
Sometimes it is amazing how long it takes the experts to figure out what the common person knows from the get-go. On CNBC an interview with former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan revealed the obvious: government spending hurts the economy. Read more on the next page.
Don’t doubt that…central banks too..!!!
you can’t have more people collecting than paying in then have 1/2 the military downsized — open the border to let millions of illegals in here sponging off the system… then print trillions in paper monies — spend like there’s no tomorrow and borrow so 6 generations forward still paying —– there will be no tomorrow if they keep it up … libtards are very good at spending money that isn’t theirs. They should learn to live between their means instead of buying votes from handouts to which there’s no money to pay for>> if they ran government like a business they’d been belly up a long time ago <<
We new this
You think?
Duh! Government spending, federal reserve money printing (that is printed and borrowed with interest attached to it), over paid politicians with too many benefits, too many government funded programs, and too much money going to foreign countries, tied to terrorism, that well never see again.
It’s all the money sent to other countries,plus welfare.
That’s what the tax and spend liberals do best.
I had no idea Allen was so sharp.