Glaring Omissions in Mueller Report Indicates Incompetence or Coverup

Glaring Omissions in Mueller Report Indicates Incompetence or Coverup

There are at least 2 major omissions contained within the hotly debated “Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election” produced by Robert Mueller. The omissions are so glaring that either the special counsel and his team of “18 Trump Hating Angry Democrats & 49 FBI Agents” are either utterly incompetent, or the team purposefully concealed major crimes committed against the Trump campaign.

Mueller has been called many things over the last two years, but one label the Ivy League-educated lawyer who ran the FBI for 12 years hasn’t been branded with is ‘incompetent.’

The best defense is a good offense, which is why Democrats and swamp creatures continue to beat this dead horse of a hoax as the lies supporting it come to light.

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