German Finance Minister: We Should Impose Gas Tax Across EU to Pay for Refugee Crisis

German finance minister Wolfgang Scheauble has proposed an EU-wide petrol tax that would fund a strengthening of the external borders of the Schengen area.

Wolfgang Schäuble proposed the tax on petrol sales across the EU to pay for the costs of securing the Schengen Area’s external borders against a further influx of migrants.

“Why shouldn’t we deal with this at a European level, if the task is so urgent?” said Mr Schäuble, “We need to secure the Schengen external borders now. We cannot fail to address this problem because of a lack of funds.”

Even if it cannot secure EU-wide agreement, Germany was prepared to implement a tax with a “coalition of the willing”, Mr Schäuble told the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper.

If the EU cannot reach agreement on securing the external borders, Germany may be forced to close its own, the influential finance minister warned. Such a move could prove fatal to the Schengen Agreement.

It would also leave countries such as Greece to deal with the huge numbers of arriving asylum-seekers without German assistance, Mr Schäuble warned.

The finance minister’s intervention comes amid growing pressure on Angela Merkel’s government in the wake of the New Year sex attacks in Cologne.

Source: Telegraph

The EU is desperate to control the lasting economic impact of the migrant crisis. With Leftists like George Sorors doing everything they can to wear away as many obstacles for migrants as possible, the longevity of one of the most significant geo-political organizations has been thrown into question. All that remains to be seen is if the EU survives the strain of the migrant crisis, what will it look like when the dust has settled?



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