Germany’s sudden reversal of renewed border controls appears direct consequence of a now ill-fated decision to throw open its gates to the Syrians. The immediate and highly negative results of their policy gained international attention and masses of internal chaos.
Since Germans gave Syrians a privileged status, amazingly, everyone applying for asylum magically becomes Syrian. The result of this trick is upheaval across Germany. Read more of what Obama will bring to a city near you on the next page:
Oh my, I would have never thought! The devel made them do it. suprised?
Terrorists just walked in. Lots of young men fighting age. It is going to be a big fat mess in Europe and here.
Did they expect the truth? I wouldn’t trust anything these illegals said even if their life depended on it. Guess it goes to show you these other countries are too trusting like Obama to illegals and pay for it with the results.
Obama knows that.It’s all part of his plan.It’s what he meant with all the we need to change the way things are done in the Whitehouse when he ran against McCain.
Noooooo really??
I’m soooo surprised!
GEE! REALLY? you mean their LYING!?
Check them all out. We don?t need ISIS OVER HERE .OR ISLAMIC.
They are a Army, of ISIS FIGHTERS. They want to kill people & take over the government, to declare Muslim Rule.