George Soros Pushing For US Online Voting System

While it might be your first instinct after hearing similar stories about Soros being dismissed as “conspiracy theories” by the media to dismiss the issue, you can’t ignore the fact that President Obama, whom the liberal philanthropist has unashamedly supported, is pursuing a voting “reform” agenda that closely resembles the one Soros has been advocating for some time now:

“In January 2014, Obama’s 10-person Presidential Commission on Election Administration

released its recommendations for reforming the U.S. election process, including transitioning to voting via tablet computers and other technologies.

The commission recommended:

Software-only products can be integrated with off-the-shelf commercial hardware components such as computers, laptops, tablets, scanners, printers, and even machine-readable code scanners and signature pad products.

Tablet computers such as iPads are common components of these new technologies. They can be integrated into the check-in, voting, and verification processes in the polling place.

The commission highlighted new technologies in which the voter can ‘pre-fill’ sample ballots at home to be scanned later at the polling place.

Obama’s presidential panel dismissed concerns about hacking. The commission stated: ‘The fact that a tablet or off-the-shelf computer can be hacked or can break down does not mean such technology is inherently less secure than existing ballot marking methods if proper precautions are taken.’

Those concerns may have been dismissed too soon. Two weeks ago, NBC News cited intelligence officials revealing hackers purportedly based in Russia recently attempted to breach state voter registration databases twice. One of the hacking attempts resulted in the lifting of up to 200,000 voter records in Illinois, according to the officials.

The breach prompted the FBI to issue an unusual nationwide ‘flash’ alert warning states to take immediate measures to beef up the security of their online voting-related systems.

Last month, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson held a conference call with state election officials related to the matter.

Also last month, Johnson was quoted as saying during a media conference call hosted by the Christian Science Monitor that DHS should consider whether to designate the U.S. election system as a ‘critical infrastructure.’

‘We should carefully consider whether our election system, our election process, is critical infrastructure like the financial sector, like the power grid,’ Johnson said.

‘There’s a vital national interest in our election process, so I do think we need to consider whether it should be considered by my department and others critical infrastructure,’ he added.

On Thursday, however, Johnson downplayed concerns that hackers could alter the ballot count during the presidential election.

‘It would be very difficult through any sort of cyber intrusion to alter the ballot count, simply because it is so decentralized and so vast,’ Johnson said. ‘It would be very difficult to alter the count.’

The Hill poured cold water on Johnson’s optimistic assessment.

The publication contended:

Despite Johnson’s claims, however, hackers would not necessarily need to alter a particular vote count in order to inject chaos into the U.S. electoral system.

Merely tainting the integrity of the voting system might be enough to sow discord in the U.S on Election Day. In other words, even if hackers do nothing, simply claiming to have altered the results could cause the public to doubt the results.”

Source: Breitbart

At the end of the day one has to ask themselves that if someone the likes of George Soros is pushing for such a system, it would have to be in the interest of corruption and manipulation. The likely result would be election fraud on a scale never seen before.



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