At what point does the Obama Administrations social agenda start to become dangerous? What we’ve seen in the streets of Ferguson and Baltimore are only the tip of the ice-berg.
Whatever malice doesn’t turn physical, takes some other form of aggression, like what took place in Oregon over the refusal of a wedding cake.
Point being, all American citizens see is what’s being televised, which doesn’t include what’s currently happening in the military, where President Obama’s social experiments are degrading a readiness to defend the country.
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The enemy within. Satan doesn’t care at all.
He has no choice, he is the antichrist. All that survive will be following him.
It’s not like Obama is drafting women and gay and trans people into the military. He’s only allowing those that wish and are able to join to serve. They would all still have to pass the military’s physical tests and classes. And if any current members of the military quit because the people they protect decide to also join and serve to protect the American people, then I guess those troops don’t really care about serving and protecting the American people.