Besides Hillary Clinton’s existence, there are many things that this presidential campaign could do without, including metaphors made by her supporters about having sex with her and being seduced by her. Keep your barf bag at the ready.
Joe Garcia, a former Florida Democratic congressman who is seeking to reclaim his old throne is now apologizing for his suggestive metaphors. His comments were recorded by a “tracker” who is somebody employed by politicians to observe and record the actions and comments of rival candidates. Though the footage was upside down, the Miami Herald had no problem using it. And in typical democrat fashion, Garcia was quick to apologize.
It’s not his apology, however, that people should be concerned about. It’s the comments he made shortly after.
Find out what he said on the next page.
Is this man crazy or on drugs ?
This is so ignorant
I would rather$#%&!@*then$#%&!@*her, ask Bill